martes, 30 de julio de 2019

The last Blog :(

Hello, for the last time, today is the last blog I'm going to write (unless I decide to continue with these in a future), and the theme of this blog will be about my experience as a blogger (an english blogger), and if it really improve my skills to write in English.
Personally, I enjoy the experience in genereral, maybe at the beginning it was a bit stressful, because I didn't know how to start each blog or what  to decide to write on blogs, but as each class passed, these problems dissapeared and each blog was easier than the previous one.
About my writing skills, honestly, after having been  on vacation for four months, I forgot all about how to write in English, so the blogs really helped me a lot, especially with the auxes tha english uses, so yes, you could that my writing skills developed.
For the future in this blogs, I would like to include more interaction between classmates, not ust a comment, maybe like the best comment, or something like that.
I would have like to write about a favourite place to visit, or an eviromental issue, also about a sport or activity that you do in your free time, maybe about videogames, more about music, I don't know what else.
And that's all I think in this part of the subject. So it's time to say goodbye for the last time, see you next time, my dear friend <3.

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