martes, 30 de julio de 2019

A subject I enjoy studying this semester

Hi everyone! For today's blog, I'm going to talk about my favourite subject in this semester (an eternal semester). The truth of the matter is that I love chemistry, I'm passionate about everything related to it, but this semester, but this semester I had a subject called "General Chemistry 1" and I really didn't enjoy it very much, because it was more of the same, I knew most of the subjects tha were studied.
However, I had a subject called "Mechanics" which, althought it was the subject where I knew less, was the one I enjoyed the most this semester.
"Mechanics" is a subject of the first semester of the Chemistry and Pharmacy career (and the other career of the faculty also have it), in this subject, we study the movement of the objects, affected by an external agent, such as weight, force, friction or torque. In class I try to pay as much attention as possible , because most of the issues were completely unknown for me, I liked this subject because the teachers don't teach physics from the point of view of mathematic, with formulas and only that, but they focus on the description of the phenomenon, because it occurs , and what effects it produces.
And that's it for today, thanks <3.

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