martes, 16 de julio de 2019

Max Plack

Hello again, for this blog, I´m going to talk about an expert in the field of my career, not exactly pharmacy or Chemist, but yes science.
 I first thought in Gilbert Lewis, but, despite his contributions to science, these were not so revolutionary. Then  I remembered Max Plank and his discovery of the quantum theory, and the "Planck Units" o "Natural Units", so I choose him for this blog.

Max Planck was a German Physicist and Mathematician, considered as the father of the Quantum Theory, he was born in 1858 (Kiel, Germany) and died in 1947.
His main works in the field of sciences were the discovery of the "Plank constant", and the proposal of the "Natural Units", also known as "Fundamental units of Physics"
I like this man because, his history (taking into consideration that he lived at the time of both world wars), and his dicoveries in the sciences, are absolutely fascinating, he laid the foundations for a new era in the sciences, the era of the Quantum Theory.

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